Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Dig me up from what is covering the better part of me...

So far, so good. This week has been awesome! I've loved spending every morning, day and night with my sweet pea, and knocking stuff off the "to do" list has helped rid me of some lingering anxiety. All in all, so far, no regrets about using vacation time to get my $hit in order. I've gotten a bit behind schedule, so tomorrow is going to be a super busy day! I'm going to try and finish ALL the cleaning and the garage. My ambitions completely rest on how happy Mikey is to frolick about in his Baby Bjorn while I dust and vacuum.

You all know how I've been bitching incessantly about "whaa... no couches... poor me... I hate my living room... whaa." Well, anyway, I finally put the wheels in motion to get my Grandmother's couches. They have been in storage with my little brother's ex-wife (just collecting dust). We wanted leather, but honestly, since Pledge invented the greatest thing ever, I'm totally down for cloth couches. Plus, my dearest June June had fantastic taste, so the couches are pretty cool. Definitely not "old lady" couches. Anyway, I've mostly talked my little brother into transporting them from Storage to my place - hopefully next weekend! Remind me to get on top of the whole rug and wall decorations thing.

Tonight we are trying some new stuff for the baby. I bought rice cereal w/ banana something or another flavory stuff. I also purchased some new spoons at the recommendation of Ariana @ Becoming Mom.

Mikey will be 4 months old on April 20th - at which point I'm allowed to begin stuffing him full of all sorts of delicious "Step 2" Foods. Of course, I can only stuff them in him 1 at a time, each week, so I can make sure he doesn't have any crazy food allergies. I've been going back and forth on what food to start with. I was thinking of peas, or maybe green beans... but boo! The orange foods seem much more exciting... so maybe Carrots or Sweet Potatoes? I've been told by friends not to introduce him to fruit first, because then he won't want the not as sweet veggies. I guess that should tell me that I ought to start him on the not so sweet veggies, too. Gerber "Step 2" tubs of baby food are on sale right now for 87 cents per 2 tub pack. Is that even a good deal? I might need to run back into Target tomorrow and stock up on the food he can eat in 2 short weeks! Hooray for milestones!


  1. I hve no idea if the food is a good deal, I can't get over that picture! He is so adorable! Have you thought of making your own food? It's really not and not that time consuming if you can get some of it done while cooking other meals. Then the food goes into ice trays (covered) and you've got stashes of stuff for pennies. And you can make it as smooth or textured as your baby likes :)

  2. How come your starting him on stage 2 and not 1 food?

  3. Because I'm awesome and meant stage 1 foods, lol.
