Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I've got those ten little tip-tap-tapping toes...

The look of pure rapture on Mikey's face upon his most recent discovery had me doubled over in laughter. Oh, cute! He can't get enough of those feet of his. They are his constant companions, always there to keep him company. Most recently, he has taken to holding his feet straight up in the air while I'm feeding him. Sort of feels like I'm playing football, lol.

From Mikey Finds His Feet 5.12.09

After searching in 3 separate stores in Maricopa and finally finding them at Fry's Marketplace, I purchased the Huggies Overnight Diapers in size 4. They don't seem that much more absorbent, but I have high hopes. I can't imagine he feels too comfy swimming in all that liquid, so hopefully this will help keep things dry.

Mikey has his 4 month checkup tomorrow. Not looking forward to the vaccinations, but at least this time I'll be prepared with Tylenol!